Depression Defense & Anxiety Alleviation Strength Training

$199.00 every month

Training Days & Times: Monday-Saturday; 1:30pm-7:30pm


In today's challenging world, young minds grapple with stress, anxiety, and self-doubt.

At Mighty Oak Athletic, we understand these hurdles and harness the power of physical training as a natural antidote.

Our meticulously designed six-week modules focus on core strength training movements: press, pull, squat, and hinge.

Each session aims not just to boost muscle strength, growth, and cardiovascular stamina, but also to cultivate mental resilience.


Physical activity, as numerous studies affirm, releases endorphins, natural mood lifters.

Training, especially as rigorously structured as ours, provides a consistent routine, offering children a sense of achievement and stability.

This discipline is invaluable in combating anxiety's unpredictability.

As children break their own physical barriers, they learn that they can face emotional challenges head-on, reducing feelings of depression and hopelessness.

Prioritizing safety, our seasoned coaches ensure each child gains the correct techniques, setting them up for lifelong positive training habits.

This program is a harmonious blend of physical and mental growth: building confidence, instilling discipline, and fostering resilience, creating well-rounded individuals ready to tackle life's challenges.

Join our FREE trial session and witness how Mighty Oak Athletic integrates strength training with mental well-being.